144 NATO will conduct the largest aviation exercises in history near the borders of the Russia (www.1lurer.am) FIFTH GEN WARFARE posted 1 year ago by MemeToDeath2021 1 year ago by MemeToDeath2021 +144 / -0 NATO will conduct the largest aviation exercises in history near the borders of the Russia NATO will conduct the largest aviation exercises in history near the borders of the Russia 35 comments share 35 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Either they intend to use the 'exercises' as cover for kinetic ops against Russia or as a taunting mechanism to lure Russia into becoming the 'aggressor'.
Whichever it is, their obvious attempts at kicking off WW3 are pathetic.
There is no other conclusion even one of median intelligence could come too.
And pathetic is exactly what this is.
/we need to do a war guyze!!!
"This business will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it" Search for Red October 👀