Eagles beat Chiefs 17-0 would probably be "confirmation" comms, imo. Iron Eagles total victory over Deep State "intelligence chiefs"?
Note Federal Reserve merged into Treasury on 27MAR2020 using the 1934 Exchange Stabilization mechanism:
The Exchange Stabilization Fund was a fund set up way back in 1934 that most people didn’t know existed. It was completely controlled by the Treasury and the president, exempt from Congressional approval.
“Master and Commander” by Joe Lange: https://badlands.substack.com/p/master-and-commander
Note that he accepted a fraudulent appointment from a foreign agent and British citizen (Barry), permitting his whole term to be VACATED, ab initio.
You make a VERY compelling argument. Two supporting data points (extraction of info durations) for comparison:
Bush Sr. “arrest” appeared to be in Jan 2017 just prior to Trump inauguration and he “died” 30NOV2018. Assuming 30 days min for his tribunal sentence appeal (30OCT2018), you get just over 21 months of “custody” to milk for info.
NONAME “arrest” was July 2017, presumably after Bush Sr. gave him up and “died” 25AUG2018. Assuming 30 days for tribunal appeal, he was “in custody” for slightly more than 12 months in an “informant capacity”.
CONCLUSION: It takes at least 12 months to extract all useful info before a tribunal sentence is handed down. If tribunal takes ~30 days to go over all evidence, then min is 11 months prior to initiating a tribunal. See if those timespans line up with Epstein as “informant”.
History books in 2071
The Great Retard Rebellion: A group of slaves, autistic researchers, and forensic accountants with handles like ‘Big Balls’ exposed and took down the biggest organized crime operation in world history led by Elon Musk, known affectionately by the slaves he freed as ‘Retardacus’.
Reference “The Accountant” (2016). Who was Executive Producer of that movie? What is the plot? What Executive Agency Division is central to the plot?
NY district judges cannot be impeached or charged with sedition or treason because none have oaths of office (by design). They can, however, be charged with fraud, and lack of oath means they are NOT judges and have neither authority NOR immunity.
NY district court judges have no oaths of office, making them NOT judges and engaged in fraud. Writ of Mandamus this bitch and make him show his oath or resign. Same issue in CA and IL.
Catbox links work for me when I switch VPN to US. It appears to filter out non US IP addresses.
Noted. I don’t think it is completely meaningless if one use 50/50 as the fulcrum. Something >50 means more evidence indicating true than false. Useful in triaging and prioritizing research, imo. It may be more fruitful digging on 70% true item than a 30% true item. This technique is also used in Engineering to identify the “most likely to work design” before any design is complete or any real probability of working is known. It is a learned skill to navigate to an optimized solution (or reasonable conclusion) with incomplete information and unknowable REAL objective probability.
Actual probabilities may be unknowable due to lack of transparency and secrecy which need to go away.
The origins of DOGE and the plotline of “The Accountant” indicate that current “audit plan” was laid out in the 2014-15 timeframe:
“The Accountant” (2016) https://moviesjoy.skin/moviesjoy-movie/the-accountant-gb579P
Be sure to watch 2nd to last scene twice. This movie was made shortly after Obama created what is now DOGE in 2014.
Plotline: Autistic forensic accountant takes down organized crime from the inside while being chased by US Treasury agents (he had helped secretly previously) with the assistance of covert autist cloaked behind powerful “computer algorithms” (appearing as if it is AI before AI was a huge thing).
Steve Mnuchin, Trump’s former Sect’y of Treasury from 2017 is Executive Producer. https://www.businessinsider.com/treasury-secretary-steven-mnuchin-producer-movies-2017-5?op=1
Numerous “17” comms in this movie. Notable mention of “Crazy Eddy” money-laundering scheme.
I do “certainty of true” based on known evidence, then adjust when new evidence or info becomes known (and verified, if possible). It is never 100% unless one has first hand observation, and even then we can tricked without a second observer and recording device.
The level of deceptions that can be done is nearly perfect, even in person.
I suspect they were able to convict Maxwell due to info from Epstein (one reason for him being kept alive, at least temporarily), but I didn’t follow the trial nor the discovery. Was there sealed evidence or testimony?
Great post, excellent supporting sauce.
Very valuable to whitehats ALIVE, despite his crimes.
Huge threat to blackhats if ALIVE because of his knowledge of blackmail info.
Whitehats appear to be in control, therefore, 80% probability Epstein’s death was faked to trick blackhats and make them think a “loose end” was taken care of.
We should find out soon. DoD audit coming soon.
We are digging for it. If not funded from USAID, then it must be DoD black project funding unless we are missing a big pot of money somewhere else.
Ty. I will check him out.
Yes. Just one piece. It appears to be more useful/interesting with some other things connected to it explicitly.
Yes. Fibonnacci spiral is very likely some aspect of the toroid (or toroidal field operation) as viewed from above or below.
DOGE is a brilliant play to do an exposure operation in an accelerated way. No doubt it is Republic military intelligence (and likely Space Force) behind this whole "DOGE thing". Trump just renamed "United States Digital Service" to DOGE and put Elon in charge. USDS was setup by Obama to prevent the exact disclosure that is happening. Trump took Obama's own weapon, turned it around and shot him in the face with it (metaphorically, of course). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Government_Efficiency
We are apparently in the "Porno Phase" of the Q operation. /s
Porno title? Balls Deep in the Agency Part1
It is a big task, but theoretically you may be able to go through the whole registered pilot database (at FAA, I think) and figure out where pilots are physically located. Big clusters of pilots may point to a nearby "chemtrail operation" location. Then you can monitor all the nearby airports (or military bases) for activity to try to isolate. Pilots are the key. Someone or something is paying a large number of pilots to do this shit.
If pulling the plug on USAID doesn't stop it, then you know it is the DoD likely paying for "chemtrail operations" using black budget and NGO contractors. I don't think it is active military doing it directly. It may be retired former military working as contractors for a third party. They key is pilots. You need a fairly large pool of large aircraft pilots (dual engine rating minimum) to order to do what we are seeing. Who is paying the pilots? That is what we are chasing.
If it turns out to be DoD then you know why they haven't passed an audit in 7 years. There are likely lots of nefarious funding activities yet to be uncovered in the DoD and DoEnergy.
President Biden plays the corpse of a character named ‘The Big Guy’ in season 17, episode 1. /s
-Producer of CSI: Miami
A less "conspiratorial" approach is to file a Writ of Mandamus DIRECTLY with the Circuit Court with jurisdiction over the District with an Obama judge for $505. Writ of Mandamus is against the judge, request that the judge provide evidence of their oath of office, including the Notarized original with date prior to start of their term. Probably a "motion to show cause" for the judge to show the oath would need to accompany the Writ. Demand is specifically for a Court Ordered Writ of Mandamus to be issued to the offending judge to "show the oath or resign". You could make "New York sovereign state People", New York Sovereign state (1788), United States Republic (1789), and yourself the Plaintiffs.
Manhattan judges may actually be foreign agents as Manhattan appears to be a city-state controlled by a foreign power (my opinion). This was likely setup shortly after WW2 so that the United Nations and NY Fed Reserve Bank could be located there and operate outside of the Constitution.
Civil fraud charges might work as well, but BAR Association lawyers and judges will attempt to sabotage.