Even a broken Clott is right twice a day. At least in Chicago.
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Scott Adams only vocalized what has been around for quite a long time. It's called "white flight". The white people move and leave when all the crime starts to rise from literally the "blacks". My grandparents didn't move out of the east side of the city to the country because it was a joyful place. No they left because a bunch of blacks moved in and started mugging, robbing and stealing while also simultaneously not taking care of a damn thing while dragging down the morals and values of the city around them. I'm not racist. I'm prejudiced. Yes I pre judged you. I could care less if you have black skin just clean up after yourself like the rest of us civilized humans and take care of your children for fucks sake.
Everyday the GOVERNMENT proves Scott Adam is right.
Did everyone hear what the new major said?
Instead of doing his job. He is taking up for the criminals.
We have to stop blaming the people. Start blaming the government for not getting rid of these rejects.
The military is the only way. These people and their installed leaders are too far gone.