- The Great Awakening -
We The People, are at a tipping point.
We have been studying vaccines, and vaccine problems, for many years,
and only recently have all of the necessary components come together at the same time and place,
for a mass awakening,
that vaccines are bioweapons,
and vaccines have always been bioweapons.
insert: astronaut pointing a gun at another astronauts back meme
So what has come together ?
- the COVID 19 "pandemic" and "vaccine" has grabbed the worlds attention,
and the public has been immersed in vaccine chatter for long enough that they somewhat have a vaccine interest, and/or a vaccine opinion,
and they have probably been coerced and/or forced into taking some action on vaccines.
so COVID / vaccines required everyone to become "active" in one way, shape or form.
- The Vaccine Debate Snowball
the anti-vaxxers have long been trying to work out the exact mechanisms by which vaccines cause adverse reactions, and i believe that they have built some very simple, easy to understand models for explaining how vaccines can cause problems.
example: fever of 101F vs fever of 105F
we all have smart phones now!
there are only 2 steps to any revolution:
step 1: educate yourself
step 2: educate others
The Vaccine Debate Snowball has been snowballing for many years BEFORE covid,
and in my opinion, part of the purpose of the COVID/vaccine PsyOp,
was to counter the anti-vaccine narrative, that was coalescing online,
memes like "Vaccines Cause SIDS" are kind hard to refute,
without opening up the door to more inquiry into SIDS and vaccines...
the COVID/vaccine narrative successfully did a FORUM SLIDE of all the old vaccine debates, which have now been memory-holed,
BUT, the time is ripe, for YOU, to immerse yourself in the details of the current vaccine debate,
The anti-vaccine arguments have been fleshed out to such a degree,
that it is now possible for even lay-people to watch very complex debates about vaccines,
and the lay people can watch the back-and-forth, of the vaccine debate,
and as the lay people watch, they learn the language, the models,
they are able to get a good sense of the main talking points,
and common refutations.
this is step 1 of the revolution: educate yourself
if you educate yourself, then you are able to educate others.
but HOW is a lay-person to "educate themselves" about vaccines?
in my opinion, the best debates are being held at
just immerse yourself in the debates, and hear-out every side, so you have a good understanding of the points and counter-points,
and by doing this, you will slowly build a new model in your mind, for how vaccines actually work,
and how exactly it is that vaccines can sometimes cause adverse reactions.
and once you have this new working model in your mind, you will be able to ask new questions, and ponder new answers,
and also to proceed to step 2 which is to educate others
the revolution does not happen on the street. the revolution happens in your mind
here is a video that will bring you up to speed on the history of the vaccine debate, up to COVID.
The man speaking is Paul Offit, who is a highly esteemed vaccine researcher, who is credited with saving the lives of millions of people, with his vaccines.
Paul Offit has a very long, solid career in vaccines, and is a BIG celebrity in the vaccine world,
so if you cite Paul Offit as your source, it's usually considered to be rock-solid by the pro-vaccine side.
Paul Offit - Communicating Science to the Public: The Vaccine-Autism Controversy
TLDW: Offit goes thru the history of the various anti-vaccine theories in sequential order, debunking them one-by-one,
BUT at the end of the video, Offit finally gets around to talking about ADJUVANTS,
and you can tell by his body language, and his tone of voice, and his general demeanor, and attitude, that OFFIT KNOWS.
OFFIT KNOWS that ADJUVANTS are a big part of the problem,
and once you establish the simple fact that ADJUVANTS are designed to cause a "strong" immune response to something that would not normally cause a strong immune response,
we open the door to things like autoimmune disorders and "allergies"
Here is another video featuring Paul Offit doing a great job of explaining ADE,
and once you understand Offit's ADE model, you will be able to use that model to understand how COVID "vaccines" are causing "ADE" and "AIDS" and "VAIDS"
and Mercks disease in chickens
43 minutes
So for an investment of about 2 hours of your time, you can "educate yourself" about the current state of the vaccine debate, without having to endure thru years of tedious debates, false leads, disappointments, that hard-core anti-vaxxers have had to go thru.
Event 201
We are coming fresh off of the COVID-19 planned pandemic,
which is currently being framed as an "accidental" bioweapons lab leak,
as opposed to a "deliberate" release of a biological weapon of mass destruction, WMD.
who is responsible?
The UN,
The WHO,
The WEF,
Bill Gates Foundation,
Johns Hopkins,
The DoD
Big Tech
Big Media
Big Pharma
Dr Anthony Fauci
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla
Many other organizations and individuals
What we know now is that this was at least a 2 front war.
Front 1) the COVID bioweapon that was deliberately released, and successfully infecting almost everyone by now,
as part of WEF's Klaus Schwab's "Great Reset" agenda,
and the UN agenda 21 / agenda 2030
Front 2) the COVID "VACCINE" bioweapon, injected into 80% of Americans so far.
Image: The WHO logo side-by-side with Jesus Christ on a crucifix
Ephesians 6:11-15 NIV
11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
They invented "SIDS" as a way to cover-up the fact that vaccines kill a lot of babies.
This revelation was so profound to me, that i decided to make it my username!
because i did not want to lose focus of what my username was made for,
by getting distracted with the current thing.
So how do you "educate others"?
stay abreast in the current vaccine debate,
and read every day, as much as you can stand to read,
and develop a discerning taste, and a good eye for top-qualty content,
and when you find good content, share it with someone, somehow.
one good rule of thumb, for "sharing" verses "over-sharing",
is to post exactly ONE time per day. no less. no more.
So if you could only share the ONE post, what would it be?
please share your best content, in the comments below.
What is really needed, is a simple, easy to understand model for how vaccines work, and why vaccines cause problems.
Fortunately, i have just such a model!
Lets start with Measles vaccine.
If there is Measles in a vaccine, then your body will have an immune response to Measles.
If there is Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) in a vaccine, then your body will have an immune response to Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)…
So basically, whatever is in a vaccine, is what your body will have an immune response to.
That's the model.
Now lets apply that model…
Some vaccines are produced using chicken eggs. Some residual chicken egg protein winds up in the vaccine, and your body has an immune response to chicken eggs,
Which they deceptively call a “chicken egg allergy”
And people with (vaccine induced) chicken egg allergy, are not supposed to have any more vaccines that are made with chicken eggs, because they will have an “allergic” (immune) response.
thats another model.
Some vaccines are made with CHO cells (Chinese Hamster Ovary cells)
Some residual CHO winds up in the vaccines, which causes the body to have an immune response, with the (unintended?) consequence of causing an immune response to ovary protein, which is called PCOS or Ovarian Cysts
CHO is the most widely used cell in vaccine production,
And PCOS is the most prevalent endocrine problem among women.
Coincidence? I think not!
another model.
Also, peanut oil was used in vaccines for a while, which caused an epidemic of vaccine induced “peanut allergies”
So, the models are, whatever you put in a vaccine, your body will develop an immune response / “allergy” to
Chicken eggs
Chinese Hamster Ovary
Peanut oil
Now for the big kahuna…
Some vaccines are made using human cells, which were harvested from an elective abortion.
These cell lines have names like WI38 and MRC5
One cell line is male.
One cell line is female.
Some residual human DNA and/or proteins make their way into the vaccine,
And then your body has an immune response to whatever DNA and/or proteins.
This “immune response” is called “auto-immune disease”,
And depending on how the human DNA/ protein interfaces with your immune system, your body will develop an immune response to that particular protein, or organ tissue
We know that vaccines cause autism.
We know that autism is highly associated with gender dysphoria.
So according to this model, its highly probable that vaccines cause gender dysphoria,
And the cases of gender dysphoria are growing at an exponential rate, right along side the vaccine schedule, which is growing at an exponential rate.
What happens if you inject MALE human DNA/ proteins into another MALE?
That male will have an auto-immune disease that rejects and attacks male DNA/ protein.
This might explain why so many people with gender dysphoria use strong descriptors to describe their symptoms.
They use words like “agony”
And often times the symptoms are so intense, they resort to doing things that most people would consider to be extreme,
Such as, taking various hormones, or drugs, to try and suppress the immune response and/or suppress the body from producing male hormones etc
In extreme cases, males will even go so far as to have their own testicles removed, so they stop producing testosterone.
Instead of being alarmed about how vaccines are causing an epidemic of gender dysphoria, the vaccine cult and their woke mob of useful idiots chooses to celebrate gender dysphoria, to pretend its perfectly normal, to call it “stunning and brave”
The other model for how vaccines cause problems is even more easy to understand.
Vaccines cause fevers!
Vaccines also cause high fevers, and high fevers cause organ damage and/or brain damage.
Based on my own research using google trends, to see what people are googling when it comes to fevers, it appears that fever temperatures follow a bell-curve, with the peak at around 103F,
Meaning that half of the fevers are less than 103F
And half of the fevers are over 103F
Any fever or body temperature over 104-105 is considered a life-threatening emergency that requires immediate medical intervention.
So when a normie asks how it is that vaccines only cause injuries in some people,
You respond by pointing out that not everyone gets a fever,
and of those who do get a fever, not everyone gets a HIGH fever,
But the few people who do get a high fever, are obviously much more susceptible to vaccine induced problems, than those who do not get a fever.
Have you heard of or read Brian Bander's suicide note?
I've always suspected your statement to be true, but I recently had a video recommended to me on youtube that read his suicide note and that removed any doubt.