I was considered “brave” and “crazy” for offering to work that shift. People were losing their minds. It was the first time I realized how gullible the general public was. I was the calm in the storm. I reminded them that air was not controlled by a computer and we would survive. It would be like “camping nursing.” Midnight -NOTHING- and people felt stupid. I’m ready for that feeling again. It was priceless.
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Yes i know that many got the date wrong.
My point was that it was not the world ending, plane crashing event that it was made out to be.
And 2038 will be the same thing. Some computers get the date wrong and life continues as normal; Anything critical getting patched months beforehand. Nothing to freak the fuck out about, lol.
Well, in this case, perhaps even years before hand.
Windows has a 64 bit time function even on 32 bit systems. Applications just need to make sure to use it.
Other Operating Systems are currently in the midst of transitioning all their time interfaces to be 64 bit, even on 32 bit systems. Any application which makes use of a time related variable will do the right thing when recompiled.
The issue here will be with applications that are never recompiled, or use a 32 bit variable instead of a time variable, or are on Windows and continue to use the 32 bit time interface.