posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron +16 / -0


I first posted this on r/GreatAwakening in May of 2018, when Q was starting to get serious traction. Posting here on GAW due to its relevance to a current post on a related topic, but also as a reasonable basis for any sleuthing friends out there who might be inspired to go down the whole "fact checkers" rabbit hole.

Notable points include the connections to Soros, Obama and the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation.

Facts about Fact Checking Network – Globalism MSM Backup

A patriot posted here (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/) about exposing Snopes, saying that Q gave anons the green light. So how many Snopes threads have we got going now? How many under shill attack?

I get it. Who doesn’t feel like throwing up at the mere thought of Snopes? But there's a lot more to this than appears on the surface (as usual).

Did some research on this about 1 month + back, kind of frustrated about friends who uphold Snopes as a source. Fact-checked Snopes. Had to move on coz so many other things to do, but here's a few of the crumbs. (I’m very confident that anyone who follows this up will find some ... interesting ... dirt)

Starting with Snopes, the veracity of Snopes is upheld by several so-called ‘fact checking’ organizations, including factcheck_org, other.

*Factcheck_org on Snopes Read what they have to say about Snopes - debunked, or upheld? Check also 'Clinton' 'Trump' and ask yourself, are they objective? Are they biased? Factcheck_org is a project of Annenberg Public Policy Center

*Annenberg Public Policy Center- Funded by Annenberg Foundation. Who else did Annenberg foundation fund? Chicago Annenberg Challenge

*[Chicago Annenberg Challenge] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_Annenberg_Challenge) – APPC gave $50 million to Bill Ayers to found a 'philanthropic' org in Chicago (CAC) with Barack Hussain Obama as the founding Chairman of the Board.

*Bill Ayers? ('educator, anti-war activist, academic' aka Cultural Marxist)

Now, another noteworthy fact is that Factcheck_org is a signatory of the International Fact-checking Network

*International Fact-checking Network(IFCN) Founded in 2015. Apparently cobbled together to reinforce an infrastructure that can combat the rise of Alt-Media and Citizen truth revealing. IFCN has numerous verified signatories, including Snopes and others. IFCN is a unit of Poynter Inst. for Media Studies.

*Poynter Institute for Media Studies Purports to be a "global leader in journalism". Seeing who they work with, however, one might have doubts.

Poynter launched an initiative to fact check health issues around the globe together with 'fact checking' websites Politifact and Africa Check. The initiative is funded by Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation.

*Africa Check - (Founded 2012, partners include Standard Bank and the Soros [Open Society Foundations)(https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/)

*Politifact reports on Poynter Inst. initiative “to fact check claims about health....” has now moved to become part of Poynter

I’ll admit, the content above is in no way conclusive. On the other hand, in my opinion, it certainly establishes a reasonable foundation for questioning Snopes motives, aims, and other efforts to ‘shape’ the facts available on the net.

A few salient points:

Snopes is given credibility by Factcheck who is given credibility by the IFCN and Poynter, etc. With a global network now set up as fact-checkers, they can begin to reinforce themselves and hoodwink the unsuspecting into accepting validity and credibility of a "Ministry of Truth"

In addition, numerous other I.F.C.N. signatories including Snopes are being used by Facebook to block ‘fake news’, which in the Facebook definition includes conservative views on the net, etc.

The above content is little more than crumbs, but enough to see that the Blackhats have been moving to build up a layered cabal-controlled infrastructure that positions itself as a legitimate and 'unbiased' arbiter of facts - "Truth".