(this data was only up to 2021. Bet you there's a lot more people purchasing guns since then) (this data was only up to 2021. Bet you there's a lot more people purchasing guns since then)
You are an early bird, Mary. You go and enjoy your son and grandson.
Thank you. I have 5 grandkids I keep on a daily basis. 4 boys and the littlest a girl. Her name is Addy but I call her Ninky. The boys all go to school. I have to make them muffins each morning as they are 'picky' eaters and then get them on the bus. The littlest boy age 4 is in pre-school so he only goes to school 4 days a week. They are a handful. Trying my best to teach them all to pick up after themselves and put away their things. It is slow going. I've done everything to organize to make it easier for them but I think they have a lazy streak in them. Always blaming the other for something. One day I'll find out who, It wasn't Me' is and boy is he gonna get it. Haha.
You have a busy life. They are sure lucky to have grandma.
Funny video for you.
Thanks. That's some funny stuff. Great way to start my day. Gotta go fren. See ya tomorrow if the good Lord is willing.