posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +67 / -0


"Shouldn't we be talking about the Nordstream since that's the biggest story of the century...Is there anything you've gotten right in the last twenty years? Iraq wrong, syria wrong, russiagate really wrong.. If you are so impartial shouldn't you at least say that Zelensky was going to bring us on the verge of World War Three? While Julian Assange rots in prison, all of you got fat checks because he's in jail for doing your job..Tucker Carlson ain't no Seymour Hersh, but he did something you guys are scared to do: Speak the truth and actually be critical of the war. Which is why he was actually fired from Fox, because you are all cowards. Every single one of you. None of you have actually had any relevancy. The mainstream press is now dying. Nobody's ever going to listen to you again. You have no credibility with the public. The only people who care about what you have to say are elite assholes have nothing productive to say anymore, and it's dying off."