Take yourself back to 2016 or 2020 or whenever it was you begin to "wake up" as we understand that term. Consider what you felt reality was and what the future was going to be. Do you think you learned more or were more off-base about the nature of the cabal/elite/khazars/people running the world and their nature or have you learned more/were wrong about the nature of the humans we walk amongst every day?
I think it's somewhat of a push, but I've been more disappointed in the average human. I didn't think so many people would still seem to be so far behind this late in the game. But, I also have a very small circle that I talk with and concede that I could be getting fooled by internet astroturfing of woke nuts and sleepers that don't even exist in reality.
What are you experiencing? Give us a Normie Watch report.
Humanity, in that I was shocked how many sheep there are, who do not think, live in fear, cave to pressure, bow to tyranny, submit to demons--even Christians. I have been shocked how many make zero effort to question the narrative/propaganda, and just went along to get along. These people have done as much damage as the pure evil that pushed it, imo.
Cabal, in that while I believe what scripture says that we are desperately wicked, I've barely scratched the surface of the evil and am appalled. Sure, I knew man was capable of such evil, but it's still hard to comprehend the enormity of the evil, how ubiquitous it is, how stealthy the wicked are, like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour!
I agree. I was very disappointed to see the lack of curiosity among most people. I like to say that I don't blame someone for not knowing what the hell is going on, but I do blame for not questioning anything. Now i spend a lot of time wondering what we are dealing with. How much of is it all consuming brain-washing of otherwise good people and how much of it is enemies in our midst. For that reason, I find the anecdotal "normie update" type threads and posts the most fascinating.