Take yourself back to 2016 or 2020 or whenever it was you begin to "wake up" as we understand that term. Consider what you felt reality was and what the future was going to be. Do you think you learned more or were more off-base about the nature of the cabal/elite/khazars/people running the world and their nature or have you learned more/were wrong about the nature of the humans we walk amongst every day?
I think it's somewhat of a push, but I've been more disappointed in the average human. I didn't think so many people would still seem to be so far behind this late in the game. But, I also have a very small circle that I talk with and concede that I could be getting fooled by internet astroturfing of woke nuts and sleepers that don't even exist in reality.
What are you experiencing? Give us a Normie Watch report.
Yes, I've noticed some waking up but in a different direction as well. I like to peruse some of the Pro-Covid reddits. A great many of the posters there are absolutely terrified of the virus and hate the "minimizers" (who were most of us first, and is now most of the society). Now, they have turned on the doctors who no longer want to mandate masks. They have turned on Biden, Fauci, the WHO, the CDC, etc. It's encouraging to see, but also sad to see them fall even farther in the Covid trap. To be fair, some of them claim to have long term illness from Covid and I'm not sure I wouldn't feel the way they do if that had happened to me.
I think I underestimate how difficult it must be to see through the fog and the matrix when you are literally a part of it. Perhaps it is alot easier to see the things we do if you are a farmer, or a guy who works at a gas station and plays guitar 15 hours a day than if you were a researcher, or a doctor, or even an actor or writer.