New California State Delegate Representatives Patty Plumb of Shasta County and Josh Disney of San Benito County Photo by NewCali News, 10th Constitutional Convention for New California State, January 12-14, 2023, Sheraton Hotel, Anaheim, CA
New California took a major step forward as the 51st state movement just sent two Delegate Representatives to Washington DC to Inform, Educate and Advocate for statehood.
Following the 10th Constitutional Convention in Anaheim, CA January 13-14, 2023 and the adoption of the state’s Constitution Delegate Representatives were selected to go to congress to make the case for statehood. There were 7 delegates selected 5 as Delegate Representatives for the House of Representatives and 2 Delegate Senators.
All were presented to the New California State Legislature and were overwhelmingly elected by both the New California State Assembly and the Senate
First Two to Go The first two to go to Washington DC are Patty Plumb of Shasta County and Joshua Disney of San Benito County.
From the Notification letter to Speaker Kevin McCarthy:
Dear Mr. Speaker:
“The State of New California is seeking entrance into the Union of States known as the United States of America and requesting an Admissions Act be facilitated on behalf of the Citizens of the State of New California to create the 51st State.
The State of New California seeks admission into the United States on an equal footing with the other states. The constitution shall always be republican in form and shall not be repugnant to the U.S. Constitution or the principles of the Declaration of Independence.
Since February of 2017, New Californians have been exercising their Constitutional Right to form from the State of California following the process authorized and codified in Article IV Sections 3 & 4 of the United States Constitution. Fifty-six New California State County Committees have been formed with the expressed purpose to create the State of New California. When New California is formed it will have a population of rural New California Citizens of over 19 million people………………”
“The timing is perfect for us to go at this point with our first Delegate Representatives because both houses are in recess. We need this time to make the necessary contacts before the session starts up.” Stated Paul Preston, President and founder of the New California State movement.
Godspeed New California.
It definitely is an uphill battle, since the swamp wants DC to be the next state, and since the Cali has many power-hungry swamp creature politicians., but I am going to be positive because they have been diligently working on it since around 2018 and consistently taking forward steps.