Also if it bites or scratches a Karen they can have it put down and sent for testing if you don’t have proof of vaccination. I wanted to save some dough and diy it but they told me you can’t get the tag that way.
That was the thing that got me. I didn’t have to get the rabies shot for my cat but if he happens to bite or scratch somebody bad enough then if he is not vaxxed they will put him down to run the test and I didn’t want to have to worry about that if he accidentally drew blood on a Karen.
The shitty thing is if your kitty gets sick and needs to go to the vet. They won't work on it without a rabies vax.
Also if it bites or scratches a Karen they can have it put down and sent for testing if you don’t have proof of vaccination. I wanted to save some dough and diy it but they told me you can’t get the tag that way.
Well i don't get tags, either but if I did want them then the stupid shot is required.
That was the thing that got me. I didn’t have to get the rabies shot for my cat but if he happens to bite or scratch somebody bad enough then if he is not vaxxed they will put him down to run the test and I didn’t want to have to worry about that if he accidentally drew blood on a Karen.