I've had enough of being labeled as hateful for not going along with the often self-destructive delusions of a small portion of society. Encouraging this kind of behaviour is not "love", "tolerance", or "kindness"; it's harmful and destructive to both the people in question and society.
If a person was suffering from anorexia and claimed they were overweight, would you encourage them to lose weight?
If a person was schizophrenic would you tell them that the voices they hear are real and should be listened to?
If a person was severly depressed would you encourage them to spiral down even further?
I'm willing to bet you answered "No" to all three of those questions, as any sane person would. If you actually did encourage any of these people to embrace their delusions and disordered thinking it would be anything but kindness. Doing so would be cruel, exploitative, and inhumane. It would show a lack of compassion and empathy for your fellow human beings who are clearly suffering from mental illness.
When I reject the transgender lifestyle I dont do so because I hate or despise these people; I do it because I have genuine sympathy for the people that are suffering from and being exploited by this lunacy. The idea that I'm the one harming these people while others encourage them to do permanent damage to both their bodies and minds is absurd. Encouraging their delusions is not kindness; it's a bizarre form of assisted suicide.
Who would of thought that having your mind, body, and spirit repeatedly twisted and poisoned for your entire life could turn out like this?
It's why they push this on children so much. If you corrupt and brainwash someone during their developmental years then you have effectively shaped their reality for the rest of their life.