Children are being shipped in bulk to the United States, unaccompanied, unprotected, illegally, through holes intentionally left in the wall by our government. (Confirmed personally).
Children are taken into custody at the border by Border Patrol. (Again, confirmed personally).
Children are shipped out to “sponsors” across the country, with 85,000 (reported by our government - number is likely double or triple that) LOST.
Children are being used as slave labor in our food processing plants and God Only knows where else to pay off their debt to the traffickers who brought/bought them.
The US Government finds a few of the precious souls being abused, neglected and worked to death, and decides that the offending companies should pay a fine to the US Government (you know, the folks that intentionally left holes in the wall to welcome in our new little slaves and LOST a minimum of 85,000 of them). The fines will do nothing to the company other than to pass that cost on to us, the consumer and the taxpayers that fund this corrupt and evil government.
The story stops there. What happens to the children? Does our government take them and recycle them into another slave situation? Are they found ACTUAL homes where they are cared for and allowed to heal from the trauma caused by our government? Is their debt to the trafficker paid off with any of those fine dollars?
Oh, how I wish we cared about our children as much as we do about a lousy beer company going woke!
Ok, so let me get this straight:
Children are being shipped in bulk to the United States, unaccompanied, unprotected, illegally, through holes intentionally left in the wall by our government. (Confirmed personally).
Children are taken into custody at the border by Border Patrol. (Again, confirmed personally).
Children are shipped out to “sponsors” across the country, with 85,000 (reported by our government - number is likely double or triple that) LOST.
Children are being used as slave labor in our food processing plants and God Only knows where else to pay off their debt to the traffickers who brought/bought them.
The US Government finds a few of the precious souls being abused, neglected and worked to death, and decides that the offending companies should pay a fine to the US Government (you know, the folks that intentionally left holes in the wall to welcome in our new little slaves and LOST a minimum of 85,000 of them). The fines will do nothing to the company other than to pass that cost on to us, the consumer and the taxpayers that fund this corrupt and evil government.
The story stops there. What happens to the children? Does our government take them and recycle them into another slave situation? Are they found ACTUAL homes where they are cared for and allowed to heal from the trauma caused by our government? Is their debt to the trafficker paid off with any of those fine dollars?
Oh, how I wish we cared about our children as much as we do about a lousy beer company going woke!
#SaveTheChildren #OurGovernmentIsCorrupt #HumanityIsInTrouble