Have you noticed people seem to have disengaged from a lot of sites (Rumble, Telegram and so on evident by view counts, ratings, likes, etc?
I've noticed this over the past 3-6 months. Viewership seems to be down tremendously. I think many are becoming tired and ready to move on with their lives. Jesus take the wheel.
Same. Disengaged. I haven't watched my usual daily news compilation from heydonmusicpage in about 4 days on bitchute. I rarely look at Gab or even here or at patriots.win. Same hopium same outcomes of disappointment.
HOWEVER- I believe that this new energy drawing my attention to enjoying what I have in my life and building a new business despite all the perceived financial blocks with skyrocketing inflation- I'm peaceful within myself.
I find peace within and maintain a strong focus on being the divine creator of my life in accordance to God's Universal Laws. Those who see through religious constructs know the responsibility each of us has in creating high frequency thoughts, actions and emotions.
Never discount your energetic contributions to the collective consciousness! Remain strong in faith and know that through us we truly can manifest full disclosure. GOD WINS.