McCarthy's debt bill - necessary but not sufficient
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My problem with this article is the calling out of entitlements. It's entitlements because we paid for them therefore entitled to them! Much more than sending billions to Ukraine or giving money to illegal immigrants!
I do not disagree. We need to reign in ALL spending. But attacking the entitlement dependency structure is key. This is like the Civil Rights movement in the 60's attacking in Mississippi. If you can cut the heart out of the beast, the beast will eventually die.
It has, depending on your metrics, taken us 100 to 160 years to get to where we are, depending on if you trace the causes to Roosevelt, Wilson, or Lincoln. We will not overturn that history in a single administration or by a single person. In fact, if we did a truly drastic cut and forced a balanced budget in the short term, it would cause such a social and political crisis that our country could not survive. It will require incrementalism across at least a generation.
So, I agree, this is not sufficient. But it is necessary as a first step.