Japanese professor Murakami of Tokyo University of Science makes an astonishing finding. Pfizer's jab contains the SV40 sequence which is known as a promoter of the cancer virus. The SV40 sequence is completely unnecessary to produce the mRNA jab. It was Not Filed by Pfizer as an Ingredient.
🤡 Cancer World 🌎
I've been seeing young people coming into my clinic with aggressive cancers. They are reporting many young people at their doctor's office in the same situation. I suspected it was the injection, but now I have a better understanding of a primary mechanism of action.
My daughters best friend..33 yo….just diagnosed with Stage 3c cervical cancer. Just started chemo.
That's unfortunate. Your daughter's friend needs to stop eating sugar/carbs. Period. All cancerous cells have mitochondria that ferment sugar to create energy.