Why is this a good idea? Over dedicated security or police?
No offense to all teachers, but let’s not fool ourselves, the forefront of the attack on our children is happening in education, some of the most fanatical BLM/Antifa/LGBTQIA’s are teachers. Hardly the types you want to arm up.
I’d say mental health and history screening for all applicants, but dysphoria is no longer classed as a mental illness and antifa doesn’t exist.
It's a GREAT idea.
You take the "shooting ducks in a barrel" away from the criminal. They would have no idea if the next classroom they entered would have someone protecting the children. There is a REASON these people shoot up a school that's a "gun-free zone" because they are cowards.
While I do understand your stance, and wish to agree with it, I do have concerns with whom the majority of teachers are..
Just look at how easily they caved to teaching critical race theory; a theory that blames every social issue on "white people and their privilege." There's also "gender ideology" being groomed to children to confuse and push them mutilate themselves.
Alot of teachers nowadays shouldn't be within 500 yards of a school, letalone a classroom. Arming those teachers, while it will strike fear into a school shooter, I feel this isn't the right time for that push. Hell, these same teachers wouldn't clear the "red flag gun laws" they wish to impose on everyone...
There's too much cancer in the current "education" system to arm teachers themselves, in the future when the cancer has been removed, yeah I can be for armed teachers. But with the state of the world as it is, I think armed security guards (vets come to mind) is a good place to start until such cancer is removed.
This is my point others missed. I’m all for an armed presence at school, but we have systemic mental illness throughout our schools. No shortage of lunatic teachers caught on video.
There should be strict screening, and pro 2A training, to limit activist teachers getting the job.
Why is this a good idea? Over dedicated security or police?
No offense to all teachers, but let’s not fool ourselves, the forefront of the attack on our children is happening in education, some of the most fanatical BLM/Antifa/LGBTQIA’s are teachers. Hardly the types you want to arm up.
I’d say mental health and history screening for all applicants, but dysphoria is no longer classed as a mental illness and antifa doesn’t exist.
It's a GREAT idea.
You take the "shooting ducks in a barrel" away from the criminal. They would have no idea if the next classroom they entered would have someone protecting the children. There is a REASON these people shoot up a school that's a "gun-free zone" because they are cowards.
An armed society is a polite society.
While I do understand your stance, and wish to agree with it, I do have concerns with whom the majority of teachers are..
Just look at how easily they caved to teaching critical race theory; a theory that blames every social issue on "white people and their privilege." There's also "gender ideology" being groomed to children to confuse and push them mutilate themselves.
Alot of teachers nowadays shouldn't be within 500 yards of a school, letalone a classroom. Arming those teachers, while it will strike fear into a school shooter, I feel this isn't the right time for that push. Hell, these same teachers wouldn't clear the "red flag gun laws" they wish to impose on everyone...
There's too much cancer in the current "education" system to arm teachers themselves, in the future when the cancer has been removed, yeah I can be for armed teachers. But with the state of the world as it is, I think armed security guards (vets come to mind) is a good place to start until such cancer is removed.
This is my point others missed. I’m all for an armed presence at school, but we have systemic mental illness throughout our schools. No shortage of lunatic teachers caught on video.
There should be strict screening, and pro 2A training, to limit activist teachers getting the job.