One Thing I Don't Understand About Epstein's Blackmail Operations
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
It seems confirmed that Epstein is a CIA asset at this point. I think most of us already figured as much, and I think he stated he was at one point though later retracted it.
My question is, how is it that no one says anything? Seems very sus. What politician is dumb enough to say yes when Epstein and Ghislaine are like "would you like to come have sex with this definitely not underage girl in this definitely not being recorded back room?
Makes me think a blackmail operation isn't the whole story because it doesn't make sense. What am I missing?
I doubt they start with children. I would assume they 'groomed' the assets like they do the kids. Party, trip, orgy with adults, start to slip a 17 year old in that looks 18-21. Collecting data all along the way.
A long week end get away, booze, drugs, then kids.
First they get someone to take a small bribe or cheat on their spouse. Then they allow them to move up the ranks politically, and as they do, they increase their blackmail material to pedophilia and satanic abuse.
That’s my best guess. The more you play their game, they higher you can go… more power, money and influence, but they ramp up their control with more and more lewdness.
That's true. I'm looking at it from a Christian perspective that has a clear definition of right and wrong. The people they "recruit" are likely people who never had a clear boundary for right and wrong to start with, so gradually giving "incentives" to keep moving the boundary probably isn't very hard.
One thing to consider is money. When an individual gets to the point of too much wealth they tend to get bored. With boredom and wealth boundaries seems to disappear. Maybe you could call it a challenge or a high for them. Possibly a mind frame of been there done that...what next?