You continue standing for that anthem, champion its cause, not for some politician, not in a uniform. But for the glory of God and to stand defiantly against the demonic hordes without fear. Stand and be counted for this nation founded on christ. If you are truly of him you will have no fear of death. Remember that you may not enjoy the freedoms you fought for, but yours and everyones children will thank you for defending it. Give me liberty, or give me DEATH.
You continue standing for that anthem, champion its cause, not for some politician, not in a uniform. But for the glory of God and to stand defiantly against the demonic hordes without fear. Stand and be counted for this nation founded on christ. If you are truly of him you will have no fear of death. Remember that you may not enjoy the freedoms you fought for, but yours and everyones children will thank you for defending it. Give me liberty, or give me DEATH.