Good article on ZH yesterday about the likely reason this moronic idea made it thru the marketing group. More interesting was the comments section. Nearly every one adamant they would never buy the product again and that any mea culpa was now weeks past when it would have mattered.
More interesting though was the lack of obvious trying to slide comments. When Gillette shot themselves in the foot 2019 comments sections across the web were full of "It's only an ad buttercup." & "Don't we have more important things to discuss, why are we wasting time on this?" type posts to slow momentum. Does not seem to be the case now.
Could the paid trolls be too few and too overwhelmed now? Not enough of them to get in and shape the desired response because so much is happening each day/week? I'd like to think that is the case, just too much to raid and contain as in the past. The worst was during Obama then the last 2 years of Trump.
One can too many.
One influencer too many.
One post too many.
One actual apology and acknowledgement is all it would take.
Way past that muh dude.
Good article on ZH yesterday about the likely reason this moronic idea made it thru the marketing group. More interesting was the comments section. Nearly every one adamant they would never buy the product again and that any mea culpa was now weeks past when it would have mattered.
More interesting though was the lack of obvious trying to slide comments. When Gillette shot themselves in the foot 2019 comments sections across the web were full of "It's only an ad buttercup." & "Don't we have more important things to discuss, why are we wasting time on this?" type posts to slow momentum. Does not seem to be the case now.
Could the paid trolls be too few and too overwhelmed now? Not enough of them to get in and shape the desired response because so much is happening each day/week? I'd like to think that is the case, just too much to raid and contain as in the past. The worst was during Obama then the last 2 years of Trump.
/we'll see