The concept that "the Jews did it" is a running theme in history. The problem with that idea is that it contains a built in association fallacy. Because there are a few Jews that are repeating a pattern through the millennia, that all the Jews are doing it.
On the contrary, the greater part of the people who call themselves Jews are just as clueless as the rest of the world on who is manipulating them, and killing them.
For example, in the early 1900s a group of very rich people (Schiff, Rothschild, Warburg, Goldman, Sachs, Cohen, etc.) funded and managed a couple little wars we call WWI and the Bolshevik Revolution. The takeover of Russia by a group of very rich Jews was actually a long series of efforts starting right after Karl Marx (third cousin to the famous Rothschild brothers) published his Das Kapital, and Abraham Mapu, one of the noted inspirations for the Russian Revolution published his "fictional literature" that is stated as "serving as the basis for the Zionist movement," which just so happened to have been run by the same rich people that called themselves Jews that funded the Russian Revolution. One of the primary efforts of both WWI and the Zionist movement was to take Israel from the Ottoman Empire and give it to these same rich people that called themselves Jews, to end the "diaspora" (which was 2000 years old by now), and help them fulfil their Utopian prophecies.
The problem with ending a diaspora that is 2000 years old, is that the vast majority of the millions of people who were diaspora'ed don't give a fuck. They are perfectly happy to live where they and their families have lived for centuries.
Enter WWII and the "holocaust."
As it turns out, it was also the exact same rich people that called themselves Jews that funded the second world war during which many Jews were killed and sterilized, even if a closer look at primary evidence suggests there weren't quite as many Jews killed as official history states. The reason the Jews were persecuted leading up to WWII was to make it uncomfortable for them to live where they lived. In addition to making it uncomfortable, they also made deals with the Nazi's to promote emigration to Israel. They made deals with the rest of the world to shut off the borders, giving the larger group of people who called themselves Jews little option but to move to Israel. I'd say "back to Israel," but they had never lived there. Their grandparents, great-great grandparents, etc. had never lived there. In the broader Jewish communities no one talked about the diaspora except occasionally in Synagogue. They didn't care. Only the super rich people did.
The reason that Jews were killed and sterilized during WWII were because A) many of the rich people that called themselves Jews didn't want certain groups of Jews counted amongst their ranks (that link is a pro-eugenics book with numerous quotes from rich Jews) and B) they needed the world to buy that the State of Israel (a land area owned by the Ottomans and inhabited by the Arabs) needed to be created as a place just for "The Jews."
Again, the "holocaust" (6 million Jews killed in gas chamber/ovens) isn't well supported by the evidence, but that Jews were killed, in many cases slaughtered en masse (often by the Soviets themselves, but sometimes by the Nazis) and were sterilized (along with any other "degenerates" AKA the feebleminded, or disabled, or impoverished, etc.) is well supported by the evidence. Thus the "holocaust" happened, as in, there was a targeted attack on the Jews, and many were killed and sterilized. It just wasn't anywhere close to the numbers stated, nor was it for the reasons stated. However, this targeted attack provided the framework for the narrative that allowed the people of the world to accept "The State of Israel" and the United Nations which were essential step towards the final fulfillment of Zionism and the NWO, respectively (though really, Zionism and the NWO are the exact same "Utopia") .
TL:DR; The Pattern has not been perpetrated by "The Jews," but rather by Rich People that call themselves Jews. My research suggests these people may be the Priest Class of Jews (the sons of Aaron), an Aristocracy.
Every. Single. Time.
The concept that "the Jews did it" is a running theme in history. The problem with that idea is that it contains a built in association fallacy. Because there are a few Jews that are repeating a pattern through the millennia, that all the Jews are doing it.
On the contrary, the greater part of the people who call themselves Jews are just as clueless as the rest of the world on who is manipulating them, and killing them.
For example, in the early 1900s a group of very rich people (Schiff, Rothschild, Warburg, Goldman, Sachs, Cohen, etc.) funded and managed a couple little wars we call WWI and the Bolshevik Revolution. The takeover of Russia by a group of very rich Jews was actually a long series of efforts starting right after Karl Marx (third cousin to the famous Rothschild brothers) published his Das Kapital, and Abraham Mapu, one of the noted inspirations for the Russian Revolution published his "fictional literature" that is stated as "serving as the basis for the Zionist movement," which just so happened to have been run by the same rich people that called themselves Jews that funded the Russian Revolution. One of the primary efforts of both WWI and the Zionist movement was to take Israel from the Ottoman Empire and give it to these same rich people that called themselves Jews, to end the "diaspora" (which was 2000 years old by now), and help them fulfil their Utopian prophecies.
The problem with ending a diaspora that is 2000 years old, is that the vast majority of the millions of people who were diaspora'ed don't give a fuck. They are perfectly happy to live where they and their families have lived for centuries.
Enter WWII and the "holocaust."
As it turns out, it was also the exact same rich people that called themselves Jews that funded the second world war during which many Jews were killed and sterilized, even if a closer look at primary evidence suggests there weren't quite as many Jews killed as official history states. The reason the Jews were persecuted leading up to WWII was to make it uncomfortable for them to live where they lived. In addition to making it uncomfortable, they also made deals with the Nazi's to promote emigration to Israel. They made deals with the rest of the world to shut off the borders, giving the larger group of people who called themselves Jews little option but to move to Israel. I'd say "back to Israel," but they had never lived there. Their grandparents, great-great grandparents, etc. had never lived there. In the broader Jewish communities no one talked about the diaspora except occasionally in Synagogue. They didn't care. Only the super rich people did.
The reason that Jews were killed and sterilized during WWII were because A) many of the rich people that called themselves Jews didn't want certain groups of Jews counted amongst their ranks (that link is a pro-eugenics book with numerous quotes from rich Jews) and B) they needed the world to buy that the State of Israel (a land area owned by the Ottomans and inhabited by the Arabs) needed to be created as a place just for "The Jews."
Again, the "holocaust" (6 million Jews killed in gas chamber/ovens) isn't well supported by the evidence, but that Jews were killed, in many cases slaughtered en masse (often by the Soviets themselves, but sometimes by the Nazis) and were sterilized (along with any other "degenerates" AKA the feebleminded, or disabled, or impoverished, etc.) is well supported by the evidence. Thus the "holocaust" happened, as in, there was a targeted attack on the Jews, and many were killed and sterilized. It just wasn't anywhere close to the numbers stated, nor was it for the reasons stated. However, this targeted attack provided the framework for the narrative that allowed the people of the world to accept "The State of Israel" and the United Nations which were essential step towards the final fulfillment of Zionism and the NWO, respectively (though really, Zionism and the NWO are the exact same "Utopia") .
TL:DR; The Pattern has not been perpetrated by "The Jews," but rather by Rich People that call themselves Jews. My research suggests these people may be the Priest Class of Jews (the sons of Aaron), an Aristocracy.
Those who call themselves Jews and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan. It's the Satan worshippers. Every.Single.Time.