It doesn't matter if they tried to do so because our government was founded upon the foundational principle that individual rights are endowed upon us by our Creator. All the Constitution does is create the framework for the government, provides LIMITED powers, and prohibits government from acting outside of those limits. Government is prohibited from infringing upon any individual right, and definitely is prohibited from enacting any legislation against those rights.
So, in fact, we all have a preexisting right that government has no authority to remove or infringe. The only way they have been able to do so for this long is because the People allow it. Every Jury that convicts them commit treason. Every LEO that arrest them are commit treason. Every judge that sentences them have committed treason. Ignorance is no excuse. Our constitution is clear, our Declaration of Independence is clear, and the principles upon which our Constitutional Republic was founded are clear.
Our Creator will judge those that escape justice here on Earth. Eventually, true patriots will stand up and follow the example of our Founding Fathers who threw off the yoke of bondage under English tyranny. You can only squeeze a freedom loving people for so long before they won't tolerate it any longer. It may not happen in my lifetime, but it will happen over time.
It doesn't matter if they tried to do so because our government was founded upon the foundational principle that individual rights are endowed upon us by our Creator. All the Constitution does is create the framework for the government, provides LIMITED powers, and prohibits government from acting outside of those limits. Government is prohibited from infringing upon any individual right, and definitely is prohibited from enacting any legislation against those rights.
So, in fact, we all have a preexisting right that government has no authority to remove or infringe. The only way they have been able to do so for this long is because the People allow it. Every Jury that convicts them commit treason. Every LEO that arrest them are commit treason. Every judge that sentences them have committed treason. Ignorance is no excuse. Our constitution is clear, our Declaration of Independence is clear, and the principles upon which our Constitutional Republic was founded are clear.
Our Creator will judge those that escape justice here on Earth. Eventually, true patriots will stand up and follow the example of our Founding Fathers who threw off the yoke of bondage under English tyranny. You can only squeeze a freedom loving people for so long before they won't tolerate it any longer. It may not happen in my lifetime, but it will happen over time.