Upon the Titanic Altar of Celestial Eons, In the Churning Maelstrom of Primordial Chaos, the Doomers Stand Unwavering, Defiantly Grasping the All-Consuming Flames of Their Self-Wrought Apocalypse... As They Transcend Mortal Bounds to Confront the Inevitable Destiny of Their Own Cosmic Obliteration!

"The more you are your total Self, the easier it is for all of you to be your total Selves, and allow the whole picture to integrate peacefully, harmoniously"
That and no mention of God or Jesus and its a philosophy and not a religion. Time is a reiteration of memory in space, it exists.
why would God have made us, if not to be our selves?
sure, the illusion of time exists. but the 'future' and 'past', aren't what they are defined as. they aren't things that aren't happening anymore, or haven't happened yet. all possibilities already exist. there is only one 'moment', and we view that one moment from infinite perspectives so that it appears as infinite moments. nothing new under the sun.
We are here to glorify God and praise him, not to be ourselves, that is existentialism.
The timelines are converging haven't you noticed? They are all converging to one point in time, as they did when Christ died on the cross to free us all. Its getting faster and faster and faster and will converge when we least expect it.
I do not view time from infinite perspectives at all, I am not a God and gave up hallucinogens years ago. An infinite perspective won't help anyone when the cat has been poorly over the new carpet or there is no food.
why are you treating being yourself and praising God as if they are mutually exclusive? anything you do, you do it as yourself. as God intended.
Oh well, we aren't going to agree on this so....