A few months ago u/djt4moreyears made this post (https://greatawakening.win/p/16aTQgjMZf/covid19-vaccine---vaccine-induce/c/) about the vaccine causing psychosis in some individuals.
My never-vaxxed adult son became psychotic, and it seems to have been cured by ivermectin and nebulized hydrogen peroxide, which are both Covid treatments. We discovered this by accident, as he was diagnosed with Covid upon transferring from one mental institution to another, despite testing covid-negative when initially admitted with newly diagnosed schizophrenia. I brought him home from the second institution and gave him both covid treatments. Even though he was already on antipsychotics and seemed mentally stable, he got markedly better after the covid treatments.
The timing, and the earlier GAW post about vax-induced psychosis got me to research whether covid caused psychosis by itself. Another clue was that, like my insomnia when I had covid back in 2020, his psychosis was preceded by severe and persistent insomnia. And of course lots of people with covid complain about "brain fog" which is far short of being psychotic, but still shows a brain connection. Anyway, all of it together got me to research. Sure enough, I found a bunch of reports that detail a link between covid and psychosis, although it's obviously not the primary symptom for most people. I have a few links below, but feel free to do your own research.
The main reason I'm posting this is to give everyone a heads-up: if you know anyone with a recent or sudden onset of psychosis, it may be curable by covid treatments. Today my son is living at home, as sane as before, with zero meds, after having been involuntarily committed, as crazy as anyone I've ever seen. Seeing someone you love descend into lunacy is devastating, frightening and disturbing. I'm blessed that he's escaped the pharm(a) system, and has recovered his sanity without meds or having restrictions placed on his ability to work and live, which often happens to people who are involuntarily held for mental health. I hope this post will help others do the same.
I will have another post called "follow up on my son" to thank people for the prayers and medical advice, all of which I followed up on to some degree, and all of which I'm grateful for. The original post is here: https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZqdWMvUS/medical-info-help-request-bipola/ This post is just the heads-up about psychosis.
Some (there are many more) links to articles that show a connection between covid and psychosis.
my wife came down with "schizphrenia" around early 2021 as well. My dad was at the end of his fight with cancer, and my wife was starting to not be well, we all assumed it was depression from watching my dad lose the cancer fight. We had most likely caught covid about a month prior, everyone was really sick etc.
After my dad passed, within 2 weeks my wife had a complete psychosis breakdown like your son. Words cannot express.... seeing someone so close and dear descend into lunacy is devastating. I am still devastated 3 years later. It is like my wife died, and was replaced with a zombie, our 5 year old daughter was more functional at the time, now she is 7 and is lightyears ahead of mom. Often times I think how I kind of became a single dad, but with no options to get support. Isolated, and alone, trying to raise this kiddo with a crazy checked out mom.
The first 8 months were rough. She was in and out of 2 different hospitals after the first admission. Lots of "throw the drugs on the wall and see what sticks" to find the anti-psychotic that would actually stop the voices, and the paranoid delusions.
Finally one doc found the right drug combination, the voices stopped. She's been on the drug since, still is. We've lowered the dose against the doctors recommendation, but we're too scared to stop it completely.
Heres the thing.... and I'm kinda... wondering... like really wondering.
The doc found this drug end of 2021. A couple months later I finally got the first "dose" of ivermectin for the family. Couldn't afford to get it legit, not after all the doctor bills, so horse paste it was. We started small, but made sure we all got some. I'm beginning to wonder if the voices really stopped because of that first dose of ivermectin, or because of the new anti-psychotic.
There are a couple of confounding variables here.
One. Her mom reports hearing "angels" and stuff talk to her. They are usually positive. Her mom was raised right, but my wife was raped and abused as a kid, and its proven that childhood changes how psychosis and schizophrenia exhibit later in life. As much as I want to be a good Christian and believe god still talks to us.... given the shit I went through with my wife, I'm convinced her mom has a low-grade schizo too, and it can be passed genetically.
That said, the wife was about 2 years older than most onset schizophrenia cases. Everyone at the mental hospital thought it was very very strange to just have "randomly" occurred to a 33 year old, it usually onsets at the latest, 26, right after the brain stops growing.
That said, we have had "zero" issue with the paranoid delusions or voices since start of 2022, only the drugs turning her into a zombie, and her effectively having the mental capacity of a 5 year old, without the neural elasticity of a 5 year old. We've occasionally taken a dose of ivermectin about every 3 months or so a big dose of horse paste, I never really put two and two together.
We wanted to try and lower her medication dosage even further, but I'm scared.... as much as life sux right now, it sux worse when I have to worry about her killing us or hanging herself because of a psychosis paranoid delusion about the govt/men in black coming to take us away to be experimented on by the lizardmen aliens (her real delusion, kill us so the reptiles can't have us).
That said. I really do wonder if the ivermectin has done for her, what has happened with your son, and... well, maybe she will be completely fine off the meds.
When we first started to get on the meds, she was at 80mg, and still heard voices, it took 100mg to get them to go away. We've reduced down to 80mg against the doctors wishes (actually, the psych doesn't even know we've done it). Now, I'm thinking its just because she is stable, the larger dosage was only needed in the beginning.
but maybe... maybe she doesn't hear voices at 80 again because the ivermectin did something.
This was a really long post. Mostly I'm just ranting and trauma dumping.
I would really love to be able to experience a closer connection with you, we share a similar event and I really need fellowship around it, even if its something like discord voice chat... If that is something you could be interested or willing to do, please let me know.
Lots of food for thought.
Thanks. You just might have been the answer to my prayers....
How is your wife doing now? I'll include her again in my prayers tonight.
And an update on my part. I've found that 2 weeks of the lowest dose nicotine patch did a lot of good as well.
We ended up tapering off the drug and was symptom free for about 4 months or so then the symptoms came back with a vengeance. Which the doc warned could happen. So now back on meds for several months now, stable, the meds cause their own side effects that is a struggle but it's way better than the alternative. So turns out probably more genetic and just late onset and not covid in her case.
I still want a biological son, but I can't, won't, risk it with it with schizo being more likely genetic.
I pray to God daily about that. I'm getting older and ever day that passes feels like missing out on a life.
thanks for checking in <3
My son had a relapse too, after 9 months stable without meds. Internally I freaked out, doubting all the treatments and fearing a repeat. But I saw the symptoms very early, before he became manic, and we attacked it again with the same treatments (ivermectin and nebulized hydrogen peroxide) plus the nicotine patch. And also some meds leftover from the earlier episode. The meds, like clockwork, made him vomit; very unpleasant. But he never became psychotic, and again is back to normal without meds.
I'm still on pins & needles whenever I think about it or whenever he says or does something randomly strange. But so far, so good, and it's been 10 months since his relapse, probably 8 months without drugs.
I pray for the fast arrival of medbeds, or at least better treatments. It's a hard road, but keep your hope strong; I believe it will get better.