Exciting! Scientists are using sophisticated X-ray scanning techniques to read for the first time the Herculaneum papyri—ancient scrolls that were carbonized by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE! And would you LOOK at the very first words they deciphered! AMAZING

Being a history buff, you had me hook line and sinker.
It's real; someone just added this. Check out the ssuvey! It's neat tech
It sounded real until I saw the translation. Still funny either way.
79AD is just fine, thanks.
For fucks sake it is AD not CE.
The CE is the retarded liberal BS.
How about some high-minded hump day humour...
History fact: While they were a tad bit liberal about sex, the pagan romans considered homossexuality to be an unfortunate and demoralizing practice the greeks exported. Age of consent was around 14-15, but going below it was a surefire way to get yourself killed or lynched. And they knew this trans stuff hailed from something deeply wrong going on in one's spirit.
I was hoping for the translation to be "Trump WON" -- That would have been "Hillaryous"
NGL, I was hoping it would be "Epstein didn't kill himself"
Not according to Transhueser Busch, apparently.
When did the Common Era nonsense start?
I refuse to go along with that stuff. Too old to change at this point in my life. At least for stupid stuff like CE instead of AD. Who gave them the right to change it?
Same and agreed. I just noticed it some years back.
Clearly "they" don't want people knowing BC means Before Christ. BCE, really? Fools.