posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +34 / -0


The basic idea here is not new to anyone on this board.

But as a deep-dive for those interested and ESPECIALLY as a red-pill tool for others, this looks excellent.

An excerpt:

About two years ago, The Critical Drinker began a series on his YouTube channel with the opening title “Why Modern Movies Suck”. At the time he probably didn’t know it, but he was embarking on a video tour de force that would result in a masterclass of exposition dealing with an important subject in our currently ongoing culture war: how American movie making has been corrupted by the constant injection of relentless political ideology promoted by fanatics.

Someone perceptive once defined a fanatic as: “Someone who can’t change their mind and won’t change the subject.”

Commie Marxist Scum are fanatics. And they see literally everything only as a way to communicate and hammer home their one obsession.

While watching his video series and several other of his offerings where he goes into why modern day movies seem to be purposefully destroying American values, I realized what TCD was doing. He was expertly pointing out that none of this activity where the major entertainment corporations spend vast sums to acquire popular franchises with built-in audiences only to then change everything for the worse is an unfortunate accident. This was all being done deliberately. As part of a conscious agenda.

Naturally, on its first proposal, this idea can strike many as being absurd.

After all, wouldn’t it be counter to the movie studio’s own interests to pay big money for the rights to big successful franchises or IPs with large built-in fanbases…only to deliberately sabotage all the fanbases expectations by savagely rewriting everything, upending all the themes and the lore that attracted the fans to the property in the first place cause these studios to be harming their own investment?

But The Critical Drinker artfully and entertainingly explains that this kind of subversive activity would only be counterproductive if the movie studio execs were acquiring these IPs & franchises solely to make money. What if it turns out propagandizing the public with Marxist woke political ideology is MORE IMPORTANT to these studio executives than their financial bottom line?

As everyone has been learning to their chagrin over the past few years, many of the big corporations have become hotbeds of what Elon Musk has taken to referring to as ‘The Woke Mind Virus’. This is certainly true of many of the big entertainment corporations.

Should anyone think it could be that I exaggerate The Critical Drinker’s ability to lead the viewer into a captivating train of deep and perceptive thought as he explores movie themes, they should view this short 7 1/2 minute tour de force in which he explains a deep philosophical concept of great importance: Why The Past Matters.