posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +118 / -0

So, when they deploy a fake news ball-breaker to get under his skin to try and create/capture a 'gotcha' moment, the folks can clearly see the obvious effort to take cheap shots and entrap him.

For the record, this is why we regularly applaud his unique ability to turn the tables on bastards time and again.

Just consider the collective pearl-clutching from the fake news media that ensued in the aftermath. It only illustrated that the least amongst us couldn't find enough ways to be outraged...which ONLY MAKES US LOVE HIM MORE.

What's amazing is how they never seem to catch on that they're actually a vital part of the #MAGA LOVE-FEST that always follows another one of their failed effort to land a punch.

And in the end, after all the dust settles, basically every single person in that #Townhall event will end up happily voting for him - as they should.

Advantage: Trump