133 That huge sucking sound you hear on the east coast is coming from California, where the task force just approved $800 Billion for reparations. More communist immigrants coming our way to impose their unworkable will. posted 1 year ago by Pollycracker 1 year ago by Pollycracker +133 / -0 https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-05-08/california-reparations-task-force-votes-approve-cost-recommendations-800-billion 27 comments share 27 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Task force voted.
But the state has not approved nor done anything yet.
With Newsome walking this back, this is going to turn into another Dem nothingburger
The cynic in me thinks that this was never going to happen to begin with, and they just needed a way to keep more black people from leaving the state.