posted ago by 13Buddha ago by 13Buddha +26 / -0

And the market is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 11.23% from 2022-2030. The amount of grants available are astounding along with the number of companies and businesses involved.

These transition M-F/F-M surgeries cost well into the 6 figures, and then there are the expensive, lifetime medications. Everything is covered. Just about all health insurance companies will pay for it because denials are strongly dealt with. The "Watch Dog" and "Helping" organizations are plentiful, much more plentiful than for those who are truly in need.

While we all try to keep healthy, both mentally and physically, our government and health care (as well as many other countries) are encouraging and paying for all of it. While thousands cannot afford needed medications, or are alone in a bed bug-ridden nursing home, or have fallen on hard times, I pray for them. Even when I don't want to comprehend it all, I will never lose hope or faith and will always fight for what is right.

But then again...there's the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, and we all know that ending.



