That's a strong coincidence, and I agree with the author's insights that the NBA is largely used to show the latest media spin. The Bulls redesigned logo matching up well with the mad cow disease timing as well. Takes patience, but real gems abound.
The written blog is here:
The video is here:
I think there are opportunities for uncovering hidden media meanings on other teams logo redesigns, but different pepes dig on different paths.
This is very funny shit, thank you
I didn't know that a logo change could cause glaciers to melt, ice caps to thaw, and male baby sea turtles to become impossible to find.
When hundreds of millions of people are displaced, causing a mass migration the likes of which the world has never seen, destabilizing the already fractured countries they pour into and around, causing widespread chaos and devolution, at least my grandkids can rest assured knowing there was nothing that could have been done. It was all the fault of decisions the National Basketball Association made decades before they were born.
Username checks out.
Thank you, I am collecting these