Don't get me wrong I can doom with the best of 'em but I am actually feeling pretty comfy. Something about this Durham Report and the MSM reaction to it, on the heels of the CNN townhall for Trump, make me think that there is going to be a dramatic shift in MSM coverage in favor of Trump and against FBI/CIA/BigPharma, i.e., the "deep state players." I just have a strong spidey sense about it for some reason. The narrative "Trump Bad/Gov't Good" is about to do a 180, and it is very much a part of the plan. It's going to happen really fast now too, D5 like. Because I don't think they can drop the really crazy shit on people until they prime the pump, so to speak. The cognitive dissonance has, as we all know, been VERY strong but I see cracks in the armor, not just in the news but with real people I know well. They are getting ready to hear it. And Trump being 1000% right about "Russia Collusion Hoax" may not seem like a big deal to us, but it is a big deal. Because it's a pile on of "I told you so's" from Orange Man Bad. As pointed out by Callmejuls the tide is changing:
Well, turnover seems pretty high lately.