Watch out for that other dangerous chemical called sodium chloride! They're putting it in our food in huge amounts! When combined with dihydrogen monoxide it can be fatal!
This is some flat earth level stupid. Potassium chloride is good for you. Most people probably need more.
You are incorrect as well as rude. I am talking about potassium chloride IN A VACCINE that is INJECTED into the body. Here is an FDA link to every single vaccine and every single ingredient in each one. Let me know if you find any evidence of potassium chloride in any of these vaccines other than the CoVID shot. I already know the answer.
Additionally, your Nu-Salt is not just pure potassium chloride, and you should check with a physician before using it. Here are the ingredients:
potassium chloride, potassium bitartrate, adipic acid, mineral oil, fumaric acid and silicon dioxide. The ingredients of another salt substitute, not shown here, are: potassium chloride, L-glutamic acid, mono-potassium glutamate, tri-calcium phosphate and 0.01% potassium iodide.
Here is additional and essential reading material for you:
Watch out for that other dangerous chemical called sodium chloride! They're putting it in our food in huge amounts! When combined with dihydrogen monoxide it can be fatal!
This is some flat earth level stupid. Potassium chloride is good for you. Most people probably need more.
You are incorrect as well as rude. I am talking about potassium chloride IN A VACCINE that is INJECTED into the body. Here is an FDA link to every single vaccine and every single ingredient in each one. Let me know if you find any evidence of potassium chloride in any of these vaccines other than the CoVID shot. I already know the answer.
Additionally, your Nu-Salt is not just pure potassium chloride, and you should check with a physician before using it. Here are the ingredients: potassium chloride, potassium bitartrate, adipic acid, mineral oil, fumaric acid and silicon dioxide. The ingredients of another salt substitute, not shown here, are: potassium chloride, L-glutamic acid, mono-potassium glutamate, tri-calcium phosphate and 0.01% potassium iodide.
Here is additional and essential reading material for you:,phosphate%20and%200.01%25%20potassium%20iodide.
Not sure what nusalts other ingredients have to do with anything. But I did find this:
Potassium chloride injected directly into people's veins! And it's great for hangovers.