Thanks to Adam and the Fall, you are perfectly free to make whatever choice you please. I think it's a mistake to consider man's nature prior to the Fall as restricted; after the Fall, he was capable of terrible self-destruction. Before the Fall, he was perfectly aware that self-destruction was possible, but was, in essence, too smart to engage in it. ("Why in the world would I want to hurt myself?")
But you must make your own choices, be it for Heaven or Hell. I like how C.S. Lewis said it: “There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, "Thy will be done," and those to whom God says, in the end, "Thy will be done."
How could they have been aware of any possibilities without becoming conscious by eating the fruit. I'm using the mythological metaphor to critique the story, not that I believe these things actually happened.
Do you think there was literally one guy and girl in paradise or do you think it represents an early type of human? Because to an outsider there is nothing more realistic about a single pair of original human beings going through all this than any creation myth from around the world.
Thanks to Adam and the Fall, you are perfectly free to make whatever choice you please. I think it's a mistake to consider man's nature prior to the Fall as restricted; after the Fall, he was capable of terrible self-destruction. Before the Fall, he was perfectly aware that self-destruction was possible, but was, in essence, too smart to engage in it. ("Why in the world would I want to hurt myself?")
But you must make your own choices, be it for Heaven or Hell. I like how C.S. Lewis said it: “There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, "Thy will be done," and those to whom God says, in the end, "Thy will be done."
How could they have been aware of any possibilities without becoming conscious by eating the fruit. I'm using the mythological metaphor to critique the story, not that I believe these things actually happened.
Do you think there was literally one guy and girl in paradise or do you think it represents an early type of human? Because to an outsider there is nothing more realistic about a single pair of original human beings going through all this than any creation myth from around the world.