Well I am from Poland and I have to explain this thing.
First of all - we have many brainwashed normies and Russia as both successor of USSR (fucking Commie Soviet Union !) and former occupant is quite hated here from generations.Also this anti-russian hate is taught from years in schools,in media etc. Big part of this all hate towards Russia is so quite historically justified (unless those history is mostly propaganda ? who knows after all what happened last years...) And mainstream media support this and sow scare that "if nazi UPAine will fall we would be next" blah blah blah. (In the same time they claim we are safe because of being in NATO - despite sending majority of military equipment to UPAine)
Tip of the iceberg. In hiding of those things are involved Polish "intelligence agencies" (which are "legalized criminal" arm of political parties from a long time)
Third thing:
If I would ever try to say the truth outside the net to people whose reaction am not sure about I would risk being arrested and persecuted or just lynched by some normie. They made laws so harsh like with covid times or even harsher - fine or up to 2 years of prison for "supporting russian agression" , and there are fewer people noticing it is in fact bunch of lies and tyranny like with covid.
People which are against supporting nazi UPAine are very afraid to speak publically. More afraid than in case of covid, we are where Australia & Canada were about Covid scam and propaganda.
Trying to do some redpilling in the net anyway, not so easy though.
@hope4gaia is wrong so: It is fear of criminals from our part of cabal about being exposed and hate towards Russians learned and enforced in schools and MSM from childhood - by common people (strengthened greatly by current MSM propaganda)
PS: They claim those radiation peaks are at natural levels. Were not of course - something big happened,but 2 days ago,no further radiation peaks, and so maybe no risk of severe radiation disease I think - unless the data they show is completely fake or ground is spoiled. Better not...
By the way: why Russian version of those UMCS university site ?
Does Poland still support the war in Ukraine.
They are DESPERATE for it. It's so weird
Well I am from Poland and I have to explain this thing.
First of all - we have many brainwashed normies and Russia as both successor of USSR (fucking Commie Soviet Union !) and former occupant is quite hated here from generations.Also this anti-russian hate is taught from years in schools,in media etc. Big part of this all hate towards Russia is so quite historically justified (unless those history is mostly propaganda ? who knows after all what happened last years...) And mainstream media support this and sow scare that "if nazi UPAine will fall we would be next" blah blah blah. (In the same time they claim we are safe because of being in NATO - despite sending majority of military equipment to UPAine)
Second of all: "Afera Podkarpacka" - rulling Law and Justice party leaders are essentially JEWISH PEDOPHILES like the rest of the scum we are fighting, but thing is those scums in Poland fucked Ukrainian minor girls in brothel controlled by Ukrainian intelligence - and now Ukrainians have videotapes. So this traitors would do EVERYTHING for Ukraine,and make this hysteria even stronger. https://wiadomosci.onet.pl/tylko-w-onecie/o-co-chodzi-w-aferze-podkarpackiej/2rflhtl https://wydarzenia.interia.pl/kraj/news-nowe-fakty-w-sprawie-afery-podkarpackiej-to-nie-cygan-pisal-,nId,6525462
Tip of the iceberg. In hiding of those things are involved Polish "intelligence agencies" (which are "legalized criminal" arm of political parties from a long time)
Third thing: If I would ever try to say the truth outside the net to people whose reaction am not sure about I would risk being arrested and persecuted or just lynched by some normie. They made laws so harsh like with covid times or even harsher - fine or up to 2 years of prison for "supporting russian agression" , and there are fewer people noticing it is in fact bunch of lies and tyranny like with covid.
People which are against supporting nazi UPAine are very afraid to speak publically. More afraid than in case of covid, we are where Australia & Canada were about Covid scam and propaganda.
Trying to do some redpilling in the net anyway, not so easy though.
@hope4gaia is wrong so: It is fear of criminals from our part of cabal about being exposed and hate towards Russians learned and enforced in schools and MSM from childhood - by common people (strengthened greatly by current MSM propaganda)
PS: They claim those radiation peaks are at natural levels. Were not of course - something big happened,but 2 days ago,no further radiation peaks, and so maybe no risk of severe radiation disease I think - unless the data they show is completely fake or ground is spoiled. Better not...
By the way: why Russian version of those UMCS university site ?