CDC Quietly Recalls all Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccines in US | Armstrong Economics
This should have made headlines across the world. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention quietly told the US government to destroy all available Janssen/Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines. "Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine is no longer available in the U....
Couple of reasons why:
FDA revoked approval of the monovalent vaccines a few weeks ago. Only the bivalents are to be given. J&J's single-shot injection was based on the spike protein from the wild-type virus that hasn't circulated in over 2 years. There's no way to claim it is 70% effective anymore.
Sales have slipped because of the warnings from FDA. It was the first vaccine to get a warning for safety, in it's case for thrombocytopenia. It was also discouraged somewhere between delta and omicron because the mRNAs claimed 95% efficacy while J&J claimed 70%. FDA's warnings torpedoed demand. No one stocked it. J&J stopped making it.
The stuff on the shelves is all expired now and cannot be given. It must be destroyed just like any other expired medication.
I don't know why people are jumping up and down thinking this is some sort of victory. It's just standard process for phasing out a product that ultimately couldn't compete on the market against other products deemed to be better. FDA is not admitting anything. CDC is still pushing the Pfizer mRNA shots on kids. It's still on the official vaccine schedule. Hell, we just had a guy this week post on here how he graduated from medical school, secured an emergency medicine residency (a difficult specialty) and he's getting sandbagged and his career destroyed because one of those hospitals he was to rotate with demanded the shots and wouldn't take his religious exemption. The vax tyranny isn't over.
Thanks for the explanation.
Still required for legal immigrants as well. My wife's visa is stalled on this. Fucking gay.