discountpedmedication out of New Zealand doesn’t require a prescription for heart worm medication (I am waiting on my shipment so I can’t as yet vouch for them). That medicine has ivermectin in it. But you can get the tablets at a variety of places without a prescription (out of the country-takes about 30 days) or horse dewormer at Amazon, Tractor Supply, Valley Pet, Fenbendazole can still be obtained through Amazon.
discountpedmedication out of New Zealand doesn’t require a prescription for heart worm medication (I am waiting on my shipment so I can’t as yet vouch for them). That medicine has ivermectin in it. But you can get the tablets at a variety of places without a prescription (out of the country-takes about 30 days) or horse dewormer at Amazon, Tractor Supply, Valley Pet, Fenbendazole can still be obtained through Amazon.