An open pit mine is profitable at 1gpt even with ESG laws in place.
So this 4.26gpt is not insignificant.
Typically to interprete drill holes, you take the intersect length multiplied by the grade of the intersect. Anything that returns a figure greater than 100 is a significant result.
That being said though, the reliability of results depend heqvily upon the reliability the data collected.
An open pit mine is profitable at 1gpt even with ESG laws in place.
So this 4.26gpt is not insignificant.
Typically to interprete drill holes, you take the intersect length multiplied by the grade of the intersect. Anything that returns a figure greater than 100 is a significant result.
That being said though, the reliability of results depend heqvily upon the reliability the data collected.
It might not be insignificant but it isn't the motherlode of a lifetime, is it?
And there is a lot of detail which is not mentioned which could make this a huge nothingburger, right?