"if it's truly large scale and the media is under military control, and Biden is fake, body double, why haven't anyone came out and said something? Secret video footages, etc.
Honestly I'm not sure how to respond.
"if it's truly large scale and the media is under military control, and Biden is fake, body double, why haven't anyone came out and said something? Secret video footages, etc.
Honestly I'm not sure how to respond.
The prevailing sentiment is kinda hard to get across to anyone that isn't in or haven't actually been in the military........
In the military the notion is that no civilian laws apply to military personnel, which makes the notion of 'talk and we will throw away the key' a very real and tangible thing for most people in the military, which is why even near 100% of your average gi-joe and remf tend to abide by the notion that you only talk about what you have been allowed to talk about to the people that have been allowed to hear it.
The people in the military doing the actual 'in control' part of this are not your average GI of remf and even though this is large enough to necessitate involvement of a lot of them the information sharing is very much a tiered dissemination system, military pretty much invented the concept of compartmentalization of information so what someone knows is very much proportional to their verified ability to keep quiet about it.
And as I said the notion of no civilian law/rights for military personnel makes even those avereage GI's and remfs very uninclined to share the close to nothing that they have been trusted with.
The net result is, secrets get kept because it is very rare for anyone inclined to blab ever knowing anything that could in any way hinder what goes on in even the tier directly above them...
Hi, sorry for the stupid question, but what is remf?
Rear echelon motherfucker.
Basically technically military but pretty much in name and employer only, bureaucrats, office workers, lots of logistics personnel etc....
What TM says is ACTUALLY VERY TRUE...once the remfs KNOW something, the mouths start wagging and there is NO telling where the info might go. AND there are way too many in government who are looking to get ahead...another VERY BIG REASON FOR THE MILITARY!!!
Remember: President Trump was in a SCIF on election night...AND THAT WAS ALL MILITARY...
SCIF = secured compartmentalized information facility!!!