Today was supposed to be the day Durham was set to appear be fore The Judiciary and answer further questions but I can't seem to find it anywhere. If you know when or where, please post link below. Thanks Frens!
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I heard it got postponed till someday in June.
I appreciate that, it's like a black hole swallowed any mention of it. I've been waiting on pins for 10 days, then suddenly nothing to be found. Where did you hear June?
Thank you Valkyria!
No problem!
We have nothing on the Judiciary Committee I was thinking the explosives sat phones and the imminent false flag was coordinated to bury this hearing. Be safe
I think sometimes dates are set for events are by the whitehats that they never intend to keep. I think they may use these announcements to study and document the cabals planned reaction.
Then when they have gamed a solution to the cabal's plan the event is held.