I went to target tonight with my non gender conforming 2 year old. I know it’s not June yet but we went with the expectation that pride should be under way at least add a few more rainbows and some toddlers with gag balls etc.
Needless to say some nazi had kicked over the display of infant dildos I’m sure they were ultra magas. I had to walk 2 aisles down by the satanic baby clothes before I could find any tucking diapers. Tell me this will be fixed !
You think you have it hard? I went to Barnes and Noble with my genderqueer daughter hoping to find her a good children's book explaining the intricacies and differences between gay subcultures. I am really afraid she is going to fall behind compared to her peers if she can't properly differentiate between a muscle bear and a leather daddy. Unfortunately all the LGBT kids books are vague and more about self acceptance and rainbows than actual education about the sexual economy of stone butch lesbians.
What is the progressive, modern parent supposed to do? At this point she is so ill prepared for the world she will just end up bisexual, which lets just be honest, might as well be straight. I simply won't have my daughter occasionally kissing girls but ultimately marrying a nice man and having children of her own..I want her tied up in a harness subject to the whims of a 400lbs bulldyke. That will show Trump who is boss around here! F THE PATRIARCHY!!!
“400lb bulldyke” 🤣🤣🤣