axrevolutionai 1 point ago +1 / -0

Non dignitary guests like myself had our tickets deemed commerative and will be mailed

Left aisle politicians are saying they won't go

So that accounts for a lot of people..

the rest possibly could play along

axrevolutionai 7 points ago +7 / -0

Credit is a scam to begin with. Creditors have dozens of protection systems to insure they get theirs but relentless punishment of debtors. Creditors can write off loans, deduct them as losses, sell them to collectors for pennies, and laugh.

Creditors give select people with "good credit" unsecured loans at rock bottom interest rates plus multiple rewards ..meanwhile rape the poor with 30% aprs and no benefits at all. But the dream and illusion of what life awaits one with great credits keeps the average person in the system and working towards it

First category misses a payment or two? Gently written letter offering hardship programs and promotion reinstatements upon payment

Second category gets three phone calls a day, credit line decreased, and multiple surcharges with little pathway to recovery.

One thing the average anon has to realize is post Q society has a lot more in common with socialism. The pipedreams of libtards are our future reality.

axrevolutionai 2 points ago +2 / -0

Never said that. Simply said the train and hotel to DC was not worth the time and expense if not able to attend

My congressman called me and said my tickets were now deemed commerative and mailed to me, as there would be no space for us due to the change

axrevolutionai 1 point ago +4 / -3

So what happens to regular people who had standing tickets for the inaguration from their congressmen? I am not spending a grand to watch it on tv in a stadium

axrevolutionai 3 points ago +3 / -0

Does anyone have any input on Brian Recker? @berecker

Libtards tend to flock to him. He takes concepts from Christianity, rips out Jesus. Supposedly he was a former pastor of 9 years and a Marine intelligence officer

So psyop?

axrevolutionai 3 points ago +3 / -0

Worst thing is we know Oprah's past and even her at one time positive relationship with Trump

So to read anything about Oprah and not apply 50k view, think mirror, or even just the basic 5Ws and an H is kind of silly.

Trump winning is no reason to take your Q hat off

After all, the tweet has not happened, Q has not posted a last drop/mission completed, and the Q clock is not ovee yet

axrevolutionai 6 points ago +6 / -0

"Do it Q" has to be one thought going through her mind

axrevolutionai 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, I read the side bar. I was not planning on posting an actual post or spamming. If the mods allowed me I would post the link in general chat once and that is it.

axrevolutionai 4 points ago +4 / -0

Come to Texas. We have an obnoxious amount. There is a decent shopping area 10 mins from our house. A bed bath and beyond shut down..we wondered what would be in its place..cue the massive disappointment when it was a Dicks..

A Hobby Lobby shut down across the road from it...wondered again...weeks later it was an Academy Sports

Houston probably has 30 stores between the two chains. And not to mention all the other smaller one..hibbet, sun and ski, tennis warehouse.

Meanwhile we have only one good computer store and three good independent art stores. At least in Houston, techies and creative types are the minority

axrevolutionai 5 points ago +5 / -0

People need to come to terms with the idea a lot of Americans are retarded, even white ones.

"What is in your DNA? Ascension" is directly implying lower domain people have the potential to rise to higher domain.

The ones who cannot do not make iy past the precipice

axrevolutionai -1 points ago +4 / -5

Q is worldwide. Skin color triablism is retarded. When the plan is complete and we are in the new republic on the way to the New Kingdom, the idea of borders or "citizenship" will be an outdated old world relic

Trust the plan, we are aiming towards forever.

axrevolutionai 4 points ago +4 / -0

Even without cancer

Still a potent neurotoxin

Still a major reason for societal decay

Still responsible for drunk driving, domestic violence, infidelity, etc

allow yourself a drink of choice on a holiday but otherwise stay 100% sober

It is what Q plus does, it is what you should do

axrevolutionai 8 points ago +8 / -0

Was yesterday "BOOM BOOM BOOM"

Nee Orleans, Vegas, were there any other major explosions?

axrevolutionai 13 points ago +13 / -0

Agreed. I think we need to remember

There is a small but loud segment of MAGA and Q who are in the movements only because they think it is their only way to advance their questionable positions

Completely ignoring Q is WORLDWIDE and that Q+ one true love is an immigrant and before that, he found very necessary happiness in a black woman

axrevolutionai 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, I am male married to a female. To put it in their terms, I am a cisgender heterosexual man married to a woman

But my tastes, sensibilities, manner of speaking, interests, etc would have probably have led to teachers trying to brainwash me into thinking i should be trans if I had been a kid in this day and age

axrevolutionai 8 points ago +8 / -0

Had I been born in this age, every single authority would have tried to convince me I am trans. I might be sick or dead right now because of it.

Instead I am happily married to a girl who gets me. And I am here with all of you.

Not everyone fits the mold but mutilation, drugs, and brainwashing are NOT the answer

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