The so-called scientists inject-infect animals with a disease(bacteria, cancer cells or parasitic ) first - swine, bird, monkey, tick, flea, mosquito, equine-horses, chicken, chicken egg, lab mice and rats, even fetal from human or chimeras, etc - then harvest fluids from them to use for so-called research and vaccines. The solutions will always contain the dna of the reservior-filter-incubator unless they have a specific way to remove it, which I sincerely doubt. It is like laundering money, except the result is dirty instead of clean. Look up immortal cell lines- labs buy these already loaded and labeled as containing so-called viruses.
I know this because long ago I worked briefly as an accountant at a biosciences lab where they were doing this to chicks using HIV and quit when I realized what they were doing.
Injections are the so-called scientists way of getting past your Natural defenses (skin, stomach lining, blood-brain barrier, immune system). Foreign DNA poisons your body and brain, messes up your own DNA and functioning systems. Vacx using messenger substances, chemicals, graphene, aluminum, radioactive materials combined with so-called viruses and foreign DNA is a pharmakeia cocktail. Pharmakeia is destroying the human race.
The so-called scientists inject-infect animals with a disease(bacteria, cancer cells or parasitic ) first - swine, bird, monkey, tick, flea, mosquito, equine-horses, chicken, chicken egg, lab mice and rats, even fetal from human or chimeras, etc - then harvest fluids from them to use for so-called research and vaccines. The solutions will always contain the dna of the reservior-filter-incubator unless they have a specific way to remove it, which I sincerely doubt. It is like laundering money, except the result is dirty instead of clean. Look up immortal cell lines- labs buy these already loaded and labeled as containing so-called viruses.
I know this because long ago I worked briefly as an accountant at a biosciences lab where they were doing this to chicks using HIV and quit when I realized what they were doing.
Injections are the so-called scientists way of getting past your Natural defenses (skin, stomach lining, blood-brain barrier, immune system). Foreign DNA poisons your body and brain, messes up your own DNA and functioning systems. Vacx using messenger substances, chemicals, graphene, aluminum, radioactive materials combined with so-called viruses and foreign DNA is a pharmakeia cocktail. Pharmakeia is destroying the human race.
Why aren't the migrants forced to take the vax?