Have any of you been able to share awakening truths in your church? How about finding others that are awake within your church?
How do u typically go about attempting to red pill while at same time respecting the church. Do you feel need to seprate the 2
Please feel free to share any and all thoughts about Q and the church
I have seen this broken down within those I know.
Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists and episcopalians many woke, many others slowly awakening.
Baptist and evangelicals... Appear to be fully awake.
the Body is badly fragmented. Denominationalism is the result of chasing after the interpretations and rationalizations and philosophies of men. The Catholics pretend to be a monolith but are badly split between many elements of woke (Many proudly claim status as NPCs - Non Practicing Catholics) and more traditionalist believers. Methodists are in the process of splitting and are having a nasty fight about finances and property...The wokesters are in control. The Southern Baptist Convention is split in belief and will probably split in practice this coming summer. The Episcopal Church is badly woke with many leaving the English Church and following traditional leaders, many of whom are from the third world. And on it goes....
The breakdown of the Church is a key element in the grand strategy of the left and right now the attacks are gaining a lot of ground. Small, home churches focused "sola Scriptura" and individual study and devotion is critical
Amen. "However, the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, The Lord knows those who are His, and, Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from unrighteousness." (2 Timothy 219)
We are living in an age when the great harlot, and her daughters are being exposed. The genuine believers, those begotten of God (John 1:12-13) will eventually abandon the denominations and free groups and find each other. The church is Christ plus nothing. He is all, and He is in all (Colossians 3:11)
Amen. I believe we can start talking about what exactly that means in a deeper way 😁🙏