Coming soon to Amazon and a big box store near you... Help your kiddos learn about a new dino every day during Jurassic June with the Jurassic June pop up dino calendar. Like an Advent Calendar, but Totally Dino.
Movie theatres start running Jurassic Park marathons every weekend in June.
Set's of 30 Dino plush toys and every other imagined type of toy set.
June is Dinosaur Month. Period.
Here is a nice post with one dinosaur for every day of June.
Coming soon to Amazon and a big box store near you... Help your kiddos learn about a new dino every day during Jurassic June with the Jurassic June pop up dino calendar. Like an Advent Calendar, but Totally Dino.
Movie theatres start running Jurassic Park marathons every weekend in June.
Set's of 30 Dino plush toys and every other imagined type of toy set.
Books. Magazines. Apps.