First, learn to fix your own car. It will save you thousands $ throughout your lifetime. There are 1000s of videos on YT that show you how. A good set of tools is a must! You can get a good starter set from Harbor Freight at a reasonable price.
Next, as an Anon, you are tasked with helping others to awaken to the truth. As your parents have been indoctrinated to "trust the science", use that to your advantage. There are now countless studies that prove mask don't work, 300 Covid studies were flawed and withdrawn, ivermectin and hydroxichloriquine works, etc. Find the original studies online. Print them out. Leave them in strategic locations for your parents to pick up and read. They have to discover the truth themselves.
Family is everything. Don't loose that connection. How does God create diamonds? Time and pressure.
First, learn to fix your own car. It will save you thousands $ throughout your lifetime. There are 1000s of videos on YT that show you how. A good set of tools is a must! You can get a good starter set from Harbor Freight at a reasonable price.
Next, as an Anon, you are tasked with helping others to awaken to the truth. As your parents have been indoctrinated to "trust the science", use that to your advantage. There are now countless studies that prove mask don't work, 300 Covid studies were flawed and withdrawn, ivermectin and hydroxichloriquine works, etc. Find the original studies online. Print them out. Leave them in strategic locations for your parents to pick up and read. They have to discover the truth themselves.
Family is everything. Don't loose that connection. How does God create diamonds? Time and pressure.