Your car does not work and you don't have any cash. You are complaining because mom and dad have a different opinion than yours. They are letting you live at home. And still, you are complaining that they are not giving you an allowance and fixing your car for you.
You think your only option is to be homeless.
Sounds like you need to grow up.
The military will help you do that. Find a recruiter and join today!!
You are dying? Really?
Your car does not work and you don't have any cash. You are complaining because mom and dad have a different opinion than yours. They are letting you live at home. And still, you are complaining that they are not giving you an allowance and fixing your car for you.
You think your only option is to be homeless.
Sounds like you need to grow up.
The military will help you do that. Find a recruiter and join today!!