posted ago by ronswanson53 ago by ronswanson53 +20 / -0

Many examples of orgs that people thought were too big to fail:

  • Blockbuster
  • The British Empire
  • Kodak - now taken over by digital cameras
  • Nintendo - Sony was the first company to beat them in videogame console sales
  • Hollywood vs. videogames - I think Grand Theft Auto was the first videogame to earn more revenue than any movie.
  • McDonalds - There has to be some years when they didn't have the most revenue or the most locations compared to their competitors
  • US automakers - Japanese companies earned more revenue
  • Disney - No longer the biggest revenue-earner for animated films
  • American comic books - Taken over by Japanese comics
  • Cable TV - At its height, there were hundreds of micro-niche, useless channels