I often heard about the tunnels under Walmarts supposedly pretty advanced like cities ??? Heard about that years ago . But , Capturing people when they go to shop ??? Regardless of how crazy that sounds , I’ve only been in a Walmart once, don’t ever plan on shopping there in future so I’m safe . I can see them using only Walmarts in the future though , a huge form of control . However, I’m believing we’ll be saved before something like that happens , so not getting into the fear . We have so much happening NOW that’s bad enough ! Some of the videos that are running around are better than hollyweird movies . I’ll take a look I’m sure it’s interesting , tmhank you for posting ;)
I often heard about the tunnels under Walmarts supposedly pretty advanced like cities ??? Heard about that years ago . But , Capturing people when they go to shop ??? Regardless of how crazy that sounds , I’ve only been in a Walmart once, don’t ever plan on shopping there in future so I’m safe . I can see them using only Walmarts in the future though , a huge form of control . However, I’m believing we’ll be saved before something like that happens , so not getting into the fear . We have so much happening NOW that’s bad enough ! Some of the videos that are running around are better than hollyweird movies . I’ll take a look I’m sure it’s interesting , tmhank you for posting ;)
I'm removing this because it is only accessible to people with telegram. Can you find another source please?
I will post the video. One moment.
Thank you very much fren!