81 Here's an idea. How about get all these redundant 'research facilities' to shut down and remove their power lines for a decade. Yup, they won't be able to apply heat to focused areas of the upper atmosphere any more. Let's see what happens. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 year ago by Lapstrake 1 year ago by Lapstrake +81 / -0 15 comments download share 15 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
These are most likely over-the-horizon radar systems. The amount of energy they put into atmosphere is literally darn near nothing compared to what the sun does every day.
How much energy is required to light your grill with a single match?
How much force on your steering wheel is required to re-direct a 6000 lb vehicle going 65 mph?
I doubt you can create any weather you want, but you can wait for the exact right conditions and chose what happens from several likely possibilities.